With your partner, create at least two photographs using FORCED PERSPECTIVE! Forced perspective is a photographic illusion generally used to make two or more objects seem to be a different size than their actual size. You will be creating photographs that ENLARGE, EXTEND, or TRANSFORM space.
BE INSPIRED. Today is the day! Today we begin our exploration of the word, 'PERSPECTIVE.' First, you will have a discussion with your teacher and classmates. You will be discussing these very important questions. These will be guiding our discussion throughout the lesson:
What is perspective?
How do artists use perspective in their art?
When do we use the word perspective in our everyday lives?
Why do we all have different perspectives/points of view?
What can we learn from other’s perspectives?
After this wonderful discussion, you will get to know this website a little. Learn to find your way around this Webquest. You will be assigned to your partner! Next, you will be looking at the
Inspiration 1 tab. BE INSPIRED.
When viewing inspiration in this Webquest think about:
Comparing and contrasting the images/artists
Analyzing why the artist did what they did
Interpreting the meaning behind the photographs
BRAINSTORM. Today you will come up with AWESOME IDEAS for your project. With your entire class and your teacher, talk about some of the ideas you may be having. Look at the Inspiration 1 page again if you want!
Next, you will work with only your partner to organize your thoughts. You will be given paper and pencils to write down any ideas you have. Also, feel free to map out how you expect the photograph to look. BRAINSTORM.
COLLECT. Next, you will be exploring the classroom for objects that may come in handy in your photographs. Remember, there do not need to be objects in your photographs (there could only be people). You can also bring in objects from home!! Bring those in for DAY 3. COLLECT.
PHOTOGRAPH. This is your first WORK DAY. You become photographers today, congrats! When your teacher hands out the cameras, handle them carefully please! We photographers need to take care of our instruments. Your teacher may allow you to travel to different parts of the school (even outdoors if the weather permits), remember to bring any objects involved in your project with you!
You will take your first forced perspective photographs today. GO YOU!
Same deal as DAY 3. This is your second WORK DAY. Make me proud! PHOTOGRAPH.
DISCUSS. Today you will share your two finished photos to the class!! Explain your process in taking these wonderful artworks! Tell them any challenges you may have had and answer your classmates' questions.
Think about these questions during this discussion:
What do you see?
What is a good aspect of this photograph?
What could you improve this photo?
How does this photograph force perspective?
Does this extend, enlarge, or transform space? DISCUSS.
POST. Post your photographs to the class blog!! I really want to see what you came up with. :)
You will be asking your partner QUESTIONS assigned to your group and having a discussion. Based on your differentiating perspectives of the questions, you will be creating at least two photographs. One photograph will represent one partner's perspective, while the second photograph will represent the other partner's perspective. This is a little bit more tricky than the first task!
ASK AND DISCUSS. Today we will begin Task #2. First, I hope you will review 3 of our guiding questions, as they have A LOT to do with this part of the lesson.
What is perspective?
Why do we all have different perspectives/points of view?
What can we learn from other’s perspectives?
After this wonderful discussion, you will be given a handout with three questions on it. Take turns asking these questions to one another. The person who is asking should write down the answers of their partner. After this amazing heart to heart, have a discussion with the whole class!
Ask these questions to yourselves:
Were your perspectives of the questions different or similar to your partners?
Did you find this interesting?
Why do you think you have different/similar perspectives? ASK AND DISCUSS.
BE INSPIRED. You will be looking at the Inspiration 2 tab! Please read carefully!
When viewing inspiration in this Webquest think about:
Comparing and contrasting the images/artists
Analyzing why the artist did what they did
Interpreting the meaning behind the photographs
BRAINSTORM. Next, you will work with your partner to organize your thoughts. You will be given paper and pencils to write down any ideas you have. Also, feel free to map out how you expect the photograph to look. Think about symbolic meaning, body language, text, lighting etc. which can add meaning to your photographs.
COLLECT. Next, you will be exploring the classroom for objects that may come in handy in your photographs. Remember, there do not need to be objects in your photographs (there could only be people). You can also bring in objects from home!! Bring those in for DAY 8.
PHOTOGRAPH. First of all, review what's going on in this lesson. Maybe you could look at Inspiration 2 again and read over your Question Handout and the answers. This is your third WORK DAY. Begin work on your lovely, meaningful photographs. Your teacher may allow you to travel to different parts of the school (even outdoors if the weather permits), remember to bring any objects involved in your project with you!
Take turns representing each other's perspectives. Decide which of you wants to go first! We will work on the other person's tomorrow!
Same deal as DAY 8. This is your fourth and final WORK DAY. You are amazing! PHOTOGRAPH.
DAY 10
ANALYZE. Today you will share your two finished photos to the class!! Explain your process in taking these wonderful artworks! Tell them any challenges you may have had and answer your classmates' questions.
Think about these questions during this discussion:
What do you see?
What does it mean? How do you know?
What is a good aspect of this photograph?
What could you improve this photo?
How does the photo represent your partner’s perspective? ANALYZE.
POST. Post your photographs to the class blog!! I really want to see what you came up with. And please leave a short description so I know what was going on in your head! :)