This includes inspiration for the second task!

Let's read this article!
This link includes an explanation for the perspectives of yourself and others!
Steps to Understand Another Person’s Perspective
1. Know that we can learn from one another's perspective!! We can all learn something from the people around us if we take the time to look at things from their point of view.
2. Remember that we all have different backgrounds! People who grow up in different places and who are exposed to different experiences will have different viewpoints on issues.
3. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes! Think about what you would do if you were the other person. How would you feel? What would you say?
4. Treat others the way we want them to treat us!! Try to understand the other person’s viewpoint because you want him/her to understand yours as well.
5. Listen! When trying to see things from another person’s perspective, it’s helpful to listen to what he/she has to say.
6. Keep an open mind! Don’t decide that the other person is wrong before you hear what he/she has to say. Wait to make a judgment until the other person has shared his/her ideas.
7. Consider both sides! When you are able to see things from different perspectives you know more about a situation and are able to make knowledgeable decisions.

This photographer is cool!
Souvid Datta is a documentary photographer. He focuses on taking photographs that represent other people's perspectives. The people in his photographs have different backgrounds and struggles than himself. He represents this quite well in his work!
How will you represent your partner's perspectives in your photographs?
Check out this photographer!
Régis Defurnaux is also a documentary photographer! He travels around the world, capturing photographs of people he hopes to understand. What is one way we can understand others?? UNDERSTAND THEIR PERSPECTIVES!!
Take a look at his amazing photographs that represent different perspectives.

You might be thinking, "But I'm in 7th grade! I can't travel the world right now! How am I going to do this??"
Symbolic Meaning. Think of any objects that may represent your partner's ideas.
Facial expressions. Hand gestures. Body language. Any of these factors can change the meaning/mood of a photograph.
Text. You have the option of including text in your work. Write a word on a piece of paper and hold it up in the photograph. Take a picture of a newspaper article that relates to your partner's point of view. Any form of text is allowed and encouraged!
Include your partner in the image! This is about the way they view things isn't it?
Lighting. Natural or artificial light? It is dark or bright? Lighting is a great way to add meaning to a photograph.
Now you have been inspired! To start creating for Task #2, click on Process above!