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This includes inspiration for the first task! Remember, your first task is to create photographs that ENLARGE, EXTEND, or TRANSFORM space.


If you are not familiar with the word perspective in the art world, please click the link below.  It will take you to an informative video!  This is optional!

Let's read this article!

This link includes helpful tips for creating forced perspective photographs!!

Check out this artist!

Michael Paul Smith shoots forced perspective outdoor scenes using his extensive model car collection!  And you thought those were real cars didn't you?


How could we create photographs like this with the materials we are using?


Click the link below to see how he does it!

You can do it!

This 7th grade class shows us how its done!


What new and creative ways will you come up with to create forced perspective photography?


Click the link to see more!


Let's watch!

This video is shows us some pretty cool ways to play with perspective!


Now you have been inspired! To start creating for Task #1, click on Process above!

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